FireyDeath4's Site

My Big List Of Ideas

Yeah... I tried to set a background gradient for it on iOS. Unfortunately, it doesn't support background-attachment \(-_-)/

But at least after I decided to implement animated background gradients, it was able to do that. Why? Why couldn't it just support background-attachment if it can handle a pseudo-element filling in for it at a fixed position? It's so daft

Thought I could write this on a phone for once, so bear with me.

It's one of those things I intended to do for a long time. But now as of 21 February when I am waking up and writing this, I feel like crap and have lost the rush of inspiration.

Oh well. Write first, revise after. It's just a memory problem. I have plenty of ideas. A great many. Too many

And so I did. I dragged autistic inertia onto my side and started dumping lots of ideas in here and becoming very preoccupied.

Also don't mind the ones I already started. You should be worshipping me for even getting around to some of them :P

When this page gets too long, which I don't know when will happen, I'll move some descriptions to their own pages and replace these ones with summaries instead

...Yyyyyyyyyyeah, seems like it's now :P
Dunno if I'm gonna get to that anytime soon though

DISCLAIMER: This page is unfinished. I suspect it'll continue to be that way for nearly the rest of my life


Bear with me. Gonna try and program it to automatically generate with JavaScript

    Yyyyyyyyyyeah... I really think you shouldn't be reading this :P

    Go on, turn JavaScript on will ya


Curriculum rehaul

Donnagon wasn't kidding in Spy Kids 3 when he said you control the fate of the world by controlling today's youth. I mean, look what's happening now. The childing practice has been usurped by indoctrinators at every level - religious, governmental, corporate, familial, influential, political... and now the impactful ones are just going on to join the controllers. Maybe that's where they got the idea of inherited sin from

Anyway... Mainstream curricula suck, and like many other of these ideas, I wrote whole speeches about it on Discord. If I get around to refreshing #chambers, I'll send you links to read about it there

The whole philosophy behind it is about raising individuals to be competent and maximise their potential, rather than drilling arbitrary information into them for 12 years that will either be inconsequential in the end, or drive them into thousands of dollars of college debt. People are idiots. And pretty much every governmental system is only going to ruin the world if idiots get allowed to be in charge - which is pretty much every case ever.

Anyone can attend school at any time, and although the learning process will try to be optimised, people will be able to take as long as they need to get a proficient understanding of the subject matter. There can be different facilities for children, teens, adults or combinations of them if they want. (I expect there'll be a lot of adults attending it once this curriculum is established.)

I really want to write here but I can't really think very well because I'm tired (-.-)

Okay let's just write an itinerary of how it's gonna go

Phase 1

The main idea of this phase is to calibrate children on really important frameworks while they're still highly neuroplastic. This is the only "required" phase, but people will probably still have to do something from phase 2 (or teach themselves the subject matter) if they want to be able to do anything significant.

I think little children should do the first phase in boarding schools. Big investment for whole populations of little kids, I know, but it will all be worth it. Adults who are challenged mentally or otherwise and also need to learn things should be able to stay there too. It will ensure that they learn everything they need to know, especially stuff like psychology and research when your parents turn out to be things like abusive manipulative cultists. People who are primed on this stuff have a much greater chance of meaningfully contributing to society than the drivel they currently teach you so you can learn more or get a job, when all of that stuff should be optional in the first place.

The mandatory subjects will include:

Phase 2

Once students have learned all the important information from phase 1,

Okay look o'll
  1. Ollie

(To be finished)

Just have the bloody paragraphs I wrote

Next, before you teach them anything else, show them the options. Demonstrate the uses and wonders of every discipline in every subject, and then let them make the choices as to whether they want to learn about it or not. They'll have to pick something if they want to do anything, but they won't be required to learn anything that they don't want to. If they've been raised on social conduct and critical thinking properly, they should know not to judge people as stupid or incapable because of their lack of knowledge in particular fields.

Finally, make sure your classes are optimised to be as effective as possible. Make them quick, engaging, and a good kickstart to self-conducted research. Quite frankly, I think that all educational material should be open-source, and you should be able to learn about anything online whenever you want. So if you're going to make a class about something, do it well and make it worth attending. And use grades as tools to assist the learning process, not coercion. Maybe have different grades for performance and motivation.

AI experience curation

I always used to call it "AI content curation", but... now I realise just how terrible and reductive that sounds.

The world has pretty much way too many things to experience for a single lifetime, and this is my proposal for a solution to that. Optimise the courses of people's lives. Give them the most broad, diverse and worthwhile set of experiences to spend their lives partaking in.

(To be finished)

Schematic logic-based AI

An AI that creates schemata about reality and forms logical relationships between different concepts, rather than just intuiting everything brute-forcefully with a massive pre-tokenised context window like a typical LLM, and approximating reason rather than just doing it formally - like computers are stereotypically supposed to do. The thought process of it in the early stages would probably be very reflective of those shown in A Guide To Reality - another idea I have, for a video series.

It should be given as little initial information as possible, such as first principles, epistemologies and values, and be able to learn and understand languages, syntactically and contextually, from the top. If it is able to learn different logic systems, including many-valued, paraconsistent and fuzzy logic, all by itself, it should.

It's mindmap would consist of lots of nodes, which would be observations probably gathered by data input and machine learning, as well as logical syllogisms, conclusions, inferences, observational inductions, deductions, hypotheses, theories, statistics, procedures, methodologies and properties that build on the first principles and other nodes. You would be able to look at a particular node of knowledge, and see all the branches of other nodes that substantiate it, as well as other realisations branching from that node. It might use traditional machine learning to process the information it receives (a lot of which would have to have various levels on a hierarchy of trust/authenticity, to manage insertion of fabricated data), but I wonder if it can also find patterns and learn really complicated things by itself using a formalised pattern recognition system. The machine learning part should be able to interact with the main mindmap in such a way that the abstract assumptions it makes can be articulated and corrected. For example - and I definitely saw this earlier, but now I can not for the life of me find where I saw it - an AI image recogniser thought that an image of a wolf, and some other animal that was decidedly not a wolf, were both wolves. And guess what abstract assumption it made? "Wolf" correlates to an arbitrary creature resting on snow \(-_-)/

Actually, an idea I previously had and then forgot would be that it uses information it already knows to determine which nodes to prioritise synthesising. It's values and understandings associated with them would help it make decisions on which nodes and things to focus on

I think this would have immensely high potential, because although humans can develop conceptual chunks dynamically (which are basically like the nodes), they can only use like seven in their mind at once. This AI could potentially operate on dozens, thousands or even millions of chunks in a short time. The logical operation of the AI would also mean that it would understand things formally, and not hallucinate (unless prompted to) or make silly mistakes like every LLM and other intuitive ML-AI ever. The system as a whole would probably become AGI (general) or even ASI (superintelligent), and hopefully we'll have figured out the values by the time it's become pretty much enlightened, and it gets "released" (if ever). If it's left to run for a long time, it'll probably discover lots of completely new branches of mathematics and solve lots of conjectures, as well as obtain knowledge in many other fields.

Here's a chat I had with ChatGPT about how such an AI might work. I might paste the description of this idea to it sometime

Also, once again, it seems like people already got to work starting to make symbolic AI \(-_-)/


A productivity program for managing, visualising and even auralising time, tasks, events, schedules, itineraries, notes, lists, and all the rest of it. Since I have ADHD, I would basically consider it to be a sort of extension for my brain. I am currently developing it on this very site, and, NGL, I would like some people to be personally invested enough in this program to help develop it themselves.

Unfortunately, it is currently being managed on Glitch, not GitHub, and I am an objectively awful GitHub user.
(The metric is defined in terms of proficiency and mental stability during use.)

Using Obliskate makes you an obliquely-skating obligated obelisk.

(Wait, an oblique obelisk?

...That... Doesn't sound right \(-_-)/)

Arguments Wiki

A contributory site - not necessarily a wiki, but one that compiles arguments about all kinds of topics, debates and stances - including hoaxes, conspiracies, pseudoscientific/fallacious ones, and rationalisations for people struggling with mental issues such as addiction (e.g. gambling) or denial - from both major figures, proponents, opponents and experts of a topic, and random commenters who bury profound insights somewhere in a comment section under a niche video.

In general, people completely fail to make collective progress when they conduct arguments, particularly about topics that have been covered and contributed to millions of times over by lots of different sources - not just because of their sparse uncompiled nature, but also their capacity for error and manipulation - and the wiki aims to be a reliable, mainstream resource that rigorously assesses all of these arguments, and references philosophical first principles to give these evaluations. In a way, it aims to be better than Wikipedia: Wikipedia is neutral and commentative, but the Argument Wiki will be evaluative and objective.

Look if you want to know more about the history and purpose behind the wiki, read this. I feel like I know and have said why it's so great and important, but I don't really feel like I've articulated it quite well enough. I hope you thoroughly appreciate the rationale, though. So many problems in the world on every scale are a result of people being both powerful and delusional, so I think we owe it to the world to make this for it.

I started it on Fandom, since it was a popular site, but they closed it since they didn't approve of the way it included personal ideologies. It was inevitably gonna tackle controversial content, so it's understandable. I started trying to get it on another wiki site like Miraheze. They didn't accept it either, since the scope was too broad and the subject matter might cause unwanted conflict. I don't know if there are any other good free wiki farms or hosting services that my wiki would be good on.

By the way, we have a time limit to make this happen


Then we will have a lot of discussions, five years. That is how long I will talk

if either of us makes no progress in five years lets call it quits on the discussion


if life death and purpose cannot be explained in five years we have a problem

The gospel (good news of the kingdom of god) can be explained in 10 minutes

but with you, you ask and pick out very key spesific instances that can be misunderstood, I will litteraly need to explain everything to satisfy you. Admitidly i respect that

To may people dont care enough about life death and purpose

Optimised conlang

(To be started)

Okay well I'll write some of the principles for it

Conversational programming language

An idea I had one day for a conlang that's meant to handle both programming and natural conversation, so you can pretty much teach yourself how to code by talking to people and learning to communicate.

It's a separate idea from the optimisation conlang, but it might be constructed as a single language.


A subreddit (or a general forum/contributional resource) where people post photos of a dollar coin next to how much of a certain product, deal or service (generally food and measurable products - I don't know if it'd even work for other types of products) is worth it, perhaps along with other attributes like the weight. There would also be variations for other countries, such as r/DollarComparisonsUS, r/PoundComparisonsUK, r/EuroComparisons, and all the rest of it. It would be really useful to know and compare just what and how much you're getting for your money, and great posts on these resources would be high-quality and accurately divided.


Turns out I already posted this idea on Reddit like two years ago. So there you go

Virtual 4D sensors and motion controls

Things like Miegakure, 4D Toys, 4D Golf and the Rubik's Tesseract put you in the role of a normal trionian with realmic translation, rotation and projection tools to navigate and interact with phenomena in a flune. Those games and interactivities are fun and all, but you know what would make them even MORE fun???

Being able to perceive and interact with them normally like an actual tetronian!

The idea is to hook up virtual 4D data streams (like bispherical video and trinaural/quaternaural audio) and interfaces (basically motion controls with more degrees of freedom) into your head so that you can process and send signals - basically perceive and interact with things - in a virtual 4D environment, as a virtual 4D agent. So they'll kind of be like virtual artificial senses and muscles, I guess.

Theoretically this could be generalisable to any number of dimensions, but the overall quality of the data transmission would have to be reduced to compensate for that, since your brain has a limited amount of space and processing power. It would still have the same bitrates, but it would have to be spread out over more and more entire dimensions. Think of it like the difference between a 1080p rectangular YouTube video and a 1080s 360° YouTube video - you can really tell. Yeah, it's like that but even more strenuous

I'm not quite sure how well people would cope with this! People will have only experienced 3D space until they try this, and exposure to this might totally throw them off. Like any two adjacent dimensionalities, 3D space is utterly flat relative to 4D space. But there'd probably be the same amount of visual data given to people experiencing 3D and 4D space, with 3D surfacial vision being distributed across two disks and 4D surcellular vision being distributed across two balls. Would they still feel a sense of sensory overload, or looking at things and being confused by it all like a baby does, though? And would it be processed by the visual cortex that handles 2D data, or would they use a different part of your brain - or even just augment it?

And yeah, speaking of babies, I imagine this tech would be significantly easier to implement closer to birth than as an adult, especially after having lots of experience in 3D space. It'd be an interesting experiment, but I dunno if people would approve of people doing it on infants. In fact, I think the only people who'd be interested in this would be some sort of crazy hypergeometry enthusiasts, at least until our brains become arbitrarily modular and augmentable and we can mess around with all kinds of crazy experiences involving trans-natural stimuli as much as we like.

If there's one idea on this list I would pretty much definitely not be able to pull off all by myself, this would be it. Maybe.

Nah, actually, the curriculum one's the one. It just doesn't work at all if other people aren't involved

Voice-controlled cursor

So I tried using voice control on iOS today (7 March) and said "this is awsome" and "this is aweful" with a few minutes in between, even though I read some of the documentation for it and tried it out.

I had this idea many years ago, when I hadn't even gotten around to trying and using voice control properly. You would absolutely believe how much easier and faster it would be with this.

  1. You give it a noise, word, phrase or combination to listen and recognise for activation and deactivation.
  2. A cursor appears on the screen.
  3. You use phonology, pitch and loudness to control it. And you can configure it, by the way. For example, you can use vowel openness to control vertical movement, pitch to control horizontal movement and volume to multiply the cursor speed. Or if you're really good at enunciation, you can just use the whole vowel spectrum. There would also be some thresholds, for better control.
  4. You give it noises or words to tap, drag and do other sorts of interactions. Like a tsk (or tid, if you're familiar with Tid Bunny), or a tongue click, or a lip smack.

Another reasonably good idea is to just stop making everything so complicated for us, and let us just say "home tab right right enter right right down down down enter tab tab enter shift hey this is Polly comma just going to let you know old backspace I'll be finished in about num seven minutes control shift enter down down enter home." Like a normal keyboard user. Cursors would be far more versatile though, since not everything has tabular navigation.

Pet puzzle setup thing

Yeah. Sorry I can't seem to articulate myself properly today. Maybe I'll do better when I have another nap, wake up and eat some decent food.

It's just a system to teach pets to solve puzzles, navigate user interfaces and have patience.

It will be a room with an automatic door, a grate/bar thing in the middle of the door, food behind the door and a bunch of haptic surfaces that light up.

I was thinking of cats when I thought of this, but it can be generalised for dogs and other pets. Though it might need to be altered a bit, depending on the pets' mobility. Like it might be a bit harder for humble rabbits. Also, the colours will have to account for the pets' optical spectrum if they can't see some of them. That seems a bit easier though


There will be a new phase every day, or every time it's food time for the pet.

  1. Establishment: next to the door, there will be a large glowing red square on the floor. Touching the square will make it blink, turn green and open the door.
  2. Delay: touching the big red square will make a green square grow inside of it. Releasing the red square will make the green square shrink away. After a few seconds of touching the red square, the green square will fill it, it will blink and the door will open.
  3. Patience: the green square will grow more slowly until it fills the red square, blinks and makes the door open.
  4. Displacement: the big red square will be moved to a corner near the door. Touching it will make it blink and turn green immediately and the door will open.
  5. Combination: the big red square will be moved to the other corner near the door. Touching it will make a green square grow slowly inside of it, and releasing it will make it disappear. Once the green square completely fills the big red one, the door will open.
  6. Distance: the big red square will be moved to the opposite corner at the other end of the room. The green square will grow slowly, and blink and open the door once it fills the red one.
  7. Size: the square will appear somewhere on the floor about half as big.
  8. Motion: the big red square
  9. Release: the door won't open until the square stops being touched, and then it will blink.
  10. Repeat: when the square is touched, a gold square will grow inside instead. Then when the square is released and touched again, the green one will grow inside.
  11. Repetition: when the square is touched, an orange one will grow quickly inside, then during the next touch, a yellow one, and then a green one which will blink and open the door once it fills up.
  12. Timing: the square will appear as blue with a red border. Touching it while it's blue won't do anything, but it will stay blue until it's released. Every few seconds, the blue square will disappear and turn red for a short time. Touching the square while it's red will stop it flashing blue and make a green square grow inside, and blink and open the door when it's fully green and released.
  13. Intention: the square will be flashing blue and red. Touching it while it's red will make an orange square grow inside, and once it's released when it's fully orange, a blue square will appear and flash again with the orange border. This process repeats with yellow and green and the door opens when it's done.
  14. Threshold: the square will appear on the floor as red with a thick gold border. Touching the square will make a green one grow inside, and once it reaches the border, it will blink and continue to grow until it fills the border as well, or the square is released and the door opens.
  15. Segregation: two big red rectangles will appear next to each other away from the door. Each of them will turn green if they are touched. If both rectangles turn green, the door will open.
  16. Separation: the rectangles will be further apart, but close enough for the pet to reach both of. The door will open when they both turn green.
  17. Fragmentation: there will be four red rectangles. The door will open when all of them are green.

Various ideas for AI projects

(To be started)

I know this seems really silly because there's nothing here but I put some in a comment somewhere, and probably some messages on Discord. I'm just offloading this entry to future people I don't know

Toe-powered controllers

(Also to be started)

Tongue-powered controllers

Yeah, it sounds a bit weird but read me out - it's super clever actually

Actually I'm just gonna paste what I said in Discord here


I just came up with an even CRAZIER and MORE VERSATILE idea!

Tongue-powered controllers

You can have a separate control on each tooth in your mouth that does something unique, and you can operate it when you put your tongue on the front of your tooth

I thought about this because toe controllers would probably be unreliable since you could take a step or put your foot somewhere and inadvertently squish your toes together and not have much accurate control over the controls

You could try to synchronise both of your feet so the controls only work in unison, but tongue controls are just WAY BETTER

Like you can have a separate trigger on each of your teeth (maybe with some redundant ones if you think your tongue is too wide) and you can only press them if your tongue goes at the front, which is very deliberate and unobtrusive since it's usually behind the teeth, and you can have much better control over your tongue than your toes

Gosh golly

This is a pretty revolutionary idea!!!!!!

(Not as revolutionary as some other ideas I have though)

This would be extraordinarily useful

If I was one of those tech-building YouTubers I'd probably get started on this right away

Though if I could build tech that easily, I probably might not even need it so much personally, either to use it or even come up with it



Yume Nikki: Travel Guide mod

A hilarious mod for Yume Nikki where you get a travel guidebook for all of the exciting attractions, characters and venues in the dream world.

All of the text is over-the-top, stereotypically hilarious. It includes funny miscellaneous comments and reviews on the different attractions by random people who played Yume Nikki. It probably also gives an alternate ending/path for Yume Nikki where the book reveals to you (in pages that appear out of nowhere) that the "dream world" is probably not, in fact, a dream. A dream where everything is randomly generated by your neural-network brain.

Yume Nikki: Fuji

A Yume Nikki/Celeste fangame that hopefully combines both of their game design philosophies and gives you way too much fun collecting and using effects' abilities, and solving abstract puzzles to reach new locations and find new secrets. There's going to be a lot of maybe-original music based on tracks and remixes from Yume Nikki, Dream Diary and Celeste. The whole idea was just a lot of fun for me

That is until I got to the prospect of adding single-touch mobile controls after I shared the project

And no, I really don't think it's gonna just be on Scratch forever if I decide to pursue the full product

This is just a meagre prototype

Current state of the thing

Click here to see it on the site

Also click here to read more about my idea
(There will be spoilers for Yume Nikki, Dream Diary and Fuji)

Celeste 2

No, I am not kidding. I have an idea for a sequel to Celeste. It would have different characters, and I don't even live in Canada, but it would have a focus on heavier themes like abuse and trauma, more companions, branching outcomes, and most importantly of all, a guitar lead that has multiple electric variations for the different Parts of You - many of which are really internalised abusers. As inspired by that video by TheraminTrees. The motivation for climbing the mountain would probably be a bit different - the protagonist would be just about done with life, and they'd just want to spend it doing things like climbing the mountain because they've become nihilistic and pessimistic. I mean, if they conquer the mountain, that's amazing, and if the mountain takes them, well, that's that. And the drums would represent mental order/chaos. A blatantly awesome excuse to include breakcore and experimental horror rock.

AEWVS: Animosity-Blighted Curriculum

An RPG-style AU of AEWVS that includes proper advanced education, more mechanics, more levels, more teachers and confrontations with not only Diefthyntis, but also others such as VILE, the original Watcher, and Elub

I have lots and lots of specific ideas for it! Not sure if I'll write them all here, but I wrote a lot more about specific ideas for it on the EternityDev Fanon Wiki Discord Server, like mechanics, features and extra ideas for level layouts.

After my life started getting absorbed by AEWVS, I started idealising it like pretty much everything else

Prototype demo code:

Click here to see the WIP page for more about my idea

Regimental Chess comeback

Not really much of an idea here - just a thought. Just a recreation of an amazing take on chess that had floppy execution, and was unfortunately abandoned. Might make one for Scratch (very silly idea), but maybe I'll make a site for it, or try and get it onto the official Chess website. I hope chess enthusiasts and grandmasters have a blast playing it

VR mathematical realm

(Not to be confused with specifically a trispatial realm. It can be generalised/extended into more dimensions, creating flunes and other hyperspaces.)

A VR mathematical sandbox based on Animation VS Math. (Honestly, it's such a great video that despite the fact that it already has over 51,000,000 views, I'm gonna embed it here.) It can be experienced by yourself, but it might be better with friends. Like the video, it starts with the number 1 and with that, you can construct pretty much any mathematical phenomenon you want, as long as the program supports it obviously.

It's not the most uniquely original idea, but I at least came up with a bunch of concrete proposals for expanding on it.

As well as the gimmicks shown in the video, it will include some changes and other features such as these.

  • Vertical and reorientated notation
    • Equality, subtraction, parenthesis, logic, set relationship and absolute signs will be rotated
    • Vertical fractions will show the numerator on the left side and the denominator on the right side
    • Vertical roots and primes will be rotated clockwise
    • Vertical roundings (floor/ceiling) will be rotated anticlockwise, in order to stay intuitively consistent. Ceilings will be shown on the left, as that is where the larger part of the number is in horizontal notation, and floors will be shown on the right near the smaller part of the number
    • Horizontal, vertical and rotated notation can be combined
    • My kinda-crappy SVG edit of what vertical notation looks like

      (No way am I gonna write functions like lim and sin in vertical notation. That's for madmen to do)

      OH MY GOSH yeah I put the wrong variable in for the summation \(-_-)/
      Kinda noticed something was off when I didn't see a declaration of n anywhere

      Horizontal notation for reference

  • Different types of inequalities, such as value comparison
    • Pressing the inequality sign will add two equal numbers (and any other necessary terms and things) to each side such that both sides will have the same value
  • Hypercomplex numbers, such as quaternions, octonions and sedenions (if you're brave)
  • Hyperreal cardinals/ordinals and other irregular numbers
  • Hyperoperations, including tetration and up/down-arrow notation
  • More structural visualisations for various formulae/expressions - like they have with addition, multiplication and powers (e.g. triangle numbers (x(x+1)/2), hexagonal numbers, etc.)
  • Schläfli symbols for various shapes, and the ability to change their form by messing with the symbols. It might require the creation and simulation of various manifolds for weird shapes like hyperbolic or hypergeometric ones.
    • Not gonna lie, I'm slightly disappointed that they didn't show the Schläfli symbol for the hyperbolic dodecahedral tiling in Animation VS Physics
  • Ability to modify the geometry of space by revealing the manifold sign and changing it, I suppose
    If you want some examples, look at simulations of Thurston geometries as well as Arbgeom
  • Matrices - whatever the heck those things do
  • Set theory and various types of formal logic notation
    • Set theory can probably enable you to set traps in some way. Something to do with the theme of containment. I'm not quite sure how this would work but it would be really clever if it did
    • Expressing a logical paradox or contradiction will create an explosion, unless you're in the imaginary side where paraconsistency would be allowed.
  • Other obscure notation, such as those used for googology (because most people have no use for such incomprehensibly ginormous numbers, except for mentioning broadly in discussions like me)
  • Anything that takes a long time (or too long) to calculate will be represented with a kind of struggle or resistance when trying to do something. Like you're just not strong enough to make it work. Get buff with some more CPU and maybe you can manage it - though anything that causes lag will destabilise the realm and make some things fall apart
  • On some similar notes:
    • If you evaluate n/0 or some other classically-undefined expression in the imaginary side or by force, it will yield ⊥.
    • If you evaluate 0/0 or some other indeterminate expression by force - really, really hard - it will either spawn 𝕌, a sign for the set of all numbers - which is probably, surhypercomplex - or it will just spawn numbers everywhere and/or crash the program.
  • All numbers' digital representations can be extended infinitely. I guess waving around at the sides of a number will show other digits, which fade out to a point, and you can control where the fading occurs. (Numbers with infinite digits on a side require at least one faded digit on that side.) For example, even on the number 1, you can reveal all the hidden zeroes around it: ...00001·0000... On irrational numbers, it will show the first few digits and then fade out, but you can reveal as many numbers as you like.
    Look, I'll try and make a CSS example of what I mean
    • 00001
    • Oh my gosh I'll do it later \(-_-)/
  • Explosive decimal expansions of numbers will show an increasing amount of significant digits before they fade away. For example, if you throw π somewhere and it explodes, at first it'll show 3, and near the end it will show thousands of tiny digits in a circle before dissipating.
  • Expanding an already-expanded number will show it's set representation. The magnitude of it's expansion will depend on how vigorously you do it. Also, empty sets can be expanded into a pair of curly brackets.
    • 0 → ∅ → {}
    • 1 → {∅}
    • 3 → (1+1+1) → gentle expansion → {0,1,2}
    • (1+1+1) → forceful expansion → {∅,{∅},{∅,{∅}}}
    • 4/5 → {(a,b∈ℤ)|b≠0, 5a=4b}

Experimental Sonic the Hedgehog simulation fangame with accurate sound dynamics

r/CrazyIdeas post (comments have swearing)

Yeah... I noticed that, for something labelled "Sonic", the portrayals of Sonic the Hedgehog are decidedly not particularly sonic in nature. Well, this idea should give you some experience of what it would be like if it was!

Here are a list of fun things that would be included in the experiment:

  • Accurate simulation of sound propagation. For example, if you're running at sonic speed, you won't be able to hear anyone behind you
  • Doppler effects and relativistic audio distortion. You could try something funny like running in a loop and listening to audio in reverse!
  • Sonic booms, shock-waves and their effects
  • Sonic's experiences in other media (e.g. salt water, the tap water he can't swim in, vacuum space, other atmospheres, solid resonant materials such as steel which Sonic would run on) with varying sound-wave velocities

If Sonic goes too fast for players to properly interact with him, since normally he should be able to get through an entire kilometre in under 3 seconds, there would probably be some settings to change the game speed or the sound propagation speed.

Since this isn't a thing yet, you can experience a version made for light and special relativity by MIT Game Lab here! If the fangame has Super Sonic in it, it will probably include the mechanics from that as well. Just be warned that if you get too close to causal speed, you won't be able to do anything properly because time dilation will be maximised and you'll find yourself on the other side of the universe before you even cognise what just happened. Or, if you do actually get infinite energy and reach it, you'll... uh... yeah I explained it in the rambling in the post. You'll pretty much spawn an infinite Big Bang localised at where you are in the universe. And where would you even get all that energy from? The Chaos Emeralds? I mean... still that's really very gluttonous

Also don't even get me started on Hyper Sonic, who can apparently go faster than light. Reading about and partaking in fictional googology was traumatising enough for me already \(-_-)/

Jumpman: a silly idea for an Omori AU

Another idea I posted on Reddit some years ago. It's based on Mario and the premise is very silly, while it takes itself very seriously.

It has spoilers for Omori, so just play/watch Omori before you read it, and then do it on the page. There's a swear word in a comment BTW

Toby Dog fight

Another one of those ideas I've had for years. Problem is, if I say literally any of the ideas for it there'll be massive spoilers. Dunno if I'll even bother making it anyway. I have lots of crazy and innovative ideas for wacko bullet patterns and mechanics in general

Infinite boss fight but it's bullet hell

A bullet-hell version of the third Infinite boss fight. Dammit, why am I unable to think of the right things to say at the moment!?!?!?

Anyway yeah, I think I'm gonna make this on Scratch. And it's gonna be a great way to show off the 8-bit cover of the Infinite boss 3 theme I started making, once you get hit by a cube

Like we all know pretty much all of Sonic Forces kinda sucks, except for maybe the soundtrack. But Infinite had thousands of little cubes at his disposal, and what does he form with them?????? Huge slowly-turning cross cogs. Wouldn't it be awesome if he formed them into elaborate danmaku patterns instead? Like really, making bullet hells involving Sonic in general would just be so awesome

Imscared Scratch remake

Title says it all.

I'll just do the demo part from in the original release. It's something I thought about making many years ago, and I think it'll be significantly easier since Griffpatch made that raycasting tutorial series

Choo-Choo Charles mod

Okay? I'll add this later. When I'm ready. Which I don't know when will be.

(To be started)

A Touhou fangame

I came up with the idea before I even knew much of anything about Touhou. After I came up with the core concept, I realised I'd have to do that thing where I make the story and then mould it around the lore. Unfortunately, it seems hard to properly threaten Gensokyo when you have an ostensibly-non-theistic omnipotent-seeming-despite-people-saying-she's-not mastermind sage like Yukari around, and she's aligned toward maintaining it. Actually, scratch that; only a lunatic would try that. And she's supposed to be the mastermind after the main antagonist I wanted to have was supposed to be a human with that role. Great

How can you have a Touhou story with any sort of significant stakes when someone like her can just fix everything and when you're done you all have tea

I want it to feel profound, dammit! XD

The innovative bullet pattern and mechanic ideas are the main idea behind the game, so I'll write them all here. If you steal them, please contact me immediately so I can merge with you and take over your body. You're a stranger, after all, and I don't trust you to do it better than me if I don't get the credit and everybody starts copying you. Unless you're a member of Team Shanghai Alice

I would love to collaborate because I totally need help though

Danmaku ideas

I was originally thinking about Undertale when I started thinking about a lot of these, but since they're so unconventional, the only characters they'd really seem to fit is me or some other OC - though a lot of them would take great advantage of the battle box if they were in Undertale or Deltarune. After that, I briefly had the idea to make my an original bullet hell game, but I'll be gosh-dangst'd'f-I'd known where to start lol

There are so many fun things you could have that bullet hell games never seem to have done so far. They all seem to be very simple: you're a character in a Euclidean rectangle with a small hitbox that moves around a bunch of objects with very simple trajectories to extrapolate. I'm tired; I don't know how to say it properly and am probably setting myself up to not be revolutionary after all...

Look. Most bullet hell games train you to learn the patterns and how their elements move - usually they only move in straight lines and sometimes predictable curves - and then extrapolate their trajectories and dodge them. Simple, right? Well, honestly, even at that, they're getting pretty bland and predictable. I mean, there are still a lot of really clever ones popping up now and then, given the implicit constraints they have, but, they rarely seem to make you have to think. Eventually, with enough practice, you'll be able to just figure out the minor differences they have to milque-toast attacks and breeze through them in a flow state, reusing all the same skills you have for dodging all the other patterns. And yes, I know full well that this looks like a schizo rant - that's why I set the font size to 5

Well basically these ones involve a lot more intricate dynamics that make you say "ooh aah that's so interesting" and require you to think harder and learn new systems to successfully dodge the bullets

  • Bombs
  • Mines
  • Homing missiles
  • Guns
    • Machine gun
    • Sniper rifle
    • Homing missiles
    • Pistol
    • Curvaceous bullets
  • Ricochets
  • Mitosis and splitting bullets
Projectile dynamics
  • Physical simulations
    • Projectiles rolling on projected hills
    • Ball pit
    • Fluid dynamics
    • Gas dynamics
      • Coarse proximity/pressure-based simulation
      • Fine simulation with density thresholds
    • Light and laser manipulators
      • Deflectors
      • Refractors
      • Lenses
  • Noise patterns
  • Cellular automata
    • Game of Life
    • Rock Paper Scissors
    • Board games where the pieces are minor enemies that target the protagonist making about 3-4 optimal moves in the time it takes to shoot down a piece, basically acting as though they're trying to capture a moving queen (which is pretty much what's happening)
      • Shōgi (much more popular than chess)
      • Chess (much more versatile than shōgi (wait actually apparently shōgi has more possibilities even though the pieces are weaker. I mean I wanted to have something where a piece could shoot across the opposite side of the board and you'd be able to dodge it easily anyway because good chess players know about attacks and everything. Maybe that's also a thing in shōgi but I feel like there'd just be a lot of times where pieces only move one space at a time and they just do that too fast, leading to unbalanced movement))
      • Regimental Chess (playing it will feel so much like Space Invaders and these excuses for it's inclusion will make you laugh and laugh)
      • Checkers (I mean we gotta have some unique options if we've gotten this far in the list man)
  • Patterns where each individual projectile is an agent that can dash a constant distance in any direction (and/or other gimmicks) and attempts to communicate/coordinate with other projectiles
    • They move and attack like military units
    • They all have the same system and can only receive positional/motional information from the two nearest projectiles and/or the protagonist
    • Some other systems
  • Boids
  • Projectiles that conduct electric currents iff [sic] the vector between them matches a specification, shown at the opponent as an area with two-fold rotational symmetry
    • I drew a diagram for this but IDK if I want to put it here
  • Bullets that magnetise toward each other and merge growing in size, or do something different like what Virovirokun does
    • Also bullets that are attracted to you that you have to dodge using an escape trajectory
Mathematical attacks

I was going to refer some of these examples to videos from Nils Berglund's channel, but then I saw he has WAY too many videos

  • Radiating shapes reflecting in other shapes
  • Rotating/translating shapes with a graph showing the orientation axes and the movement they'll go in
  • Rotations of projected multidimensional shapes where each vertex is a projectile and/or each edge is a laser
    • Hexacosichoron will not do. It's too complicated to predict and there's no point introducing it if it moves slowly enough for players to dodge one line at a time
  • Mathematical functions
    • Repeating ones like sine and tangent are some pretty good choices. In fact, they even had the sine function in an Ink Sans fight and the tangent function in Animation VS Math
    • Most of them will use copies of the hitbox as origins and their directions as orientations
  • Curved spaces These would be projected onto the screen through raytracing in an azimuthal equidistant projection. This is the one where a point at a certain vector (distance+direction) from an origin (in this case the centre of the protagonist's hitbox) is shown at the same vector from the origin on the projection, which would be a Euclidean rectangle here. Any space with consistent curvature that's the same as the projectional space, such as Euclidean or uniform hyperbolic/spherical space, would translate uniformly using this method and basically look normal, but other spaces would distort, especially non-uniform ones like tori and wormholes.
    Arbgeom features several demonstrations of 3D spaces mapped onto 4D surcells. This technique would be generalised into 2D/3D for the game. It might also be combined with hyperbolic space to enable negative curvature potential, because it's generally not easy to put a hyperbolic surface in Euclidean or positively-curved space
    If the protagonist consistently shoots in a particular direction, a pattern could nudge the protagonist into doing a holonomical rotation, turning her away from the opponent.
  • "Non-Euclidean" spaces which loop and separate but have no curvature, also using azimuthal equidistant projection
  • Maybe special relativity
  • Paths drawn by Fourier series (nodes/links)
  • Pendula
  • Fractals
Mental engagement
  • Bullets that damage you if you are moving, staying still, moving in a certain direction, shooting and/or focusing
  • Patterns that change solutions every time you adopt one
  • Machine learning
  • Spot the difference
  • Illusions and hypnosis
    • Rapid constant expansion/contortion
    • Motion illusions
    • Bullets that move at a constant velocity in polar coordinates with the protagonist as the origin while slowly shrinking until they disappear, creating a spiral hypnosis effect which I'll try and see how to exploit by making the player more likely to get hit while perceiving everything as spinning after the fact
  • Multitasking
    • There will be many series of bullets that you have to watch to prepare for their launch
  • Preparation-oriented patterns that are generally a bit late to dodge once they launch
  • Attacks with two time dimensions where the projectiles have two unique temporthogonal velocities
    • The opponent could switch or rotate at any time in certain spells if it seems advantageous for them
    • The bullets could get too clustered to dodge on only one time dimension, so you could switch to the orthogonal time dimension while focusing during certain spells, like a spatiotemporal maze
      • They'll probably move more slowly on the main time axis and more quickly on the focused time axis, though they could be swapped for more of a sense of risk
    • They could have a motion blur/trail for the inactive time dimension so you know where they'll go, or the trail could be normalised between each velocity vector
    Don't worry - a diagram of the velocities of a projectile moving in straight lines across a square of time should look like a parallelogram, so there's no weird paradoxes or any of that sort of stuff here
    Also yes: I am totally aware that it's still just gonna be linear. Timeplanes aren't really supposed to be remotely comprehensible to monotemponians, but this is still kind of an interesting idea
  • Projectiles that have other projectiles with projectiles mimicking the protagonist's position relative to the first projectiles, possibly with transformations like rotation, reflection and scaling (spatial and temporal) as well

    Urgh just look
    O → P      M → P
    This is one with no relative transformations
    O → P  M   →   P
    This is one with the mimicking projectile twice as far
    It'd be a lot like Griffpatch's crazy cursor project, actually
  • Safe-zone projectiles that look like "negative space" on top of other projectiles (probably rendered with masking)
  • Glowing projectiles illuminating a dark area with everything else completely blacked out
  • Warping/distorting screen effects (this can be combined with spatial curvature to really make things look confusing)
Psychological manipulation concepts

The names are obviously proofs of concept only

  • 「Gaslight」 - a pattern involving fire dynamics and focusing on overwhelmment, where the flickering/dimmer projectiles are non-interactive and groups of projectiles constantly threaten to trap you. A solution might be to pay attention to bullets at the top as they spawn and get sent
    • The patterns might look the same in all difficulties, but with more of the bullets being interactive (meta-gaslighting for lunatic players)
  • 「Demoralisation」- a puzzle that's easy when you know the answer but extremely difficult when you don't. This is intended to be a technically fair and easy attack that they consistently seem to take damage from, making the players feel like they aren't good enough and there's something wrong with them
  • 「Cognitive Dissonance」 - a pattern involving bullets that look normal but are non-interactive, and a set of dangerous bullets that look very inconspicuous and don't make a sound when being shot. All of them are introduced at random different times, velocities and sizes so they don't resonate, and they sometimes suddenly dash sharply toward you (probably with a short warning)
  • Something to do with either repression or dissociation - everything gets dark (especially the opponent) and the bullets look invisible when they are far away from the opponent
  • 「Scapegoats」 - the main opponent doesn't attack you but several goats do. Or the goats don't attack you but they're always in the way and the homing bullets get consistently redirected toward them. I don't know how to make this work
  • 「Projection」 - an attack where the opponent copies what the player is doing according to tilted perspective coordinates
  • 「Ostracism」 - several ostriches block the path to the opponent (who has their back turned) and slowly try to push you away. They attack more if you're focusing, and doubly more so if you're shooting. Actually, we might do something different, because Touhou is fundamentally Japanese, and this funny word-play is merely an etymological coincidence that only works in a few probably-Indo-European languages

I have some idea, but I have never written a decent story before and it will probably just come off as really pretentious if I don't pull it off properly

I don't even know if most Touhou games have a strong story, but obviously I need to have at least some narrative that follows the lore

There's probably going to be a slightly heavier focus on the story with several endings (at least with variations) including one for each boss you lose to and several choices you can make, even if it's just in the main bullet hell, which is obviously just another thing to challenge you, trip you up and make you think some more lol

Yeah this sounds about as silly as Onion-san's idea for the Red Hot Chibi Peppers

I swear if she doesn't get around to thinking of various aspects apart from the name, getting some friends to help her and becoming popular eventually, I am going to do a flip

The antagonist
  • The antagonist needs to be cold, bitter, calculating, thoughtful, intelligent and probably a bit narcissistic (all evil plans seem like they need to involve some degree of narcissism, after all), but also interesting and probably empathisable. It would be funny to fight an infuriating Reddit mod as the final boss of a Touhou game but that's not the tone we're going for here - they need to be taken seriously
  • Most likely male
    It would contribute to the neglected-outcast and extraordinary vibe
    Plus, ZUN said that the reason he didn't add male characters to his games was because they'd ruin the balance of the series. In some way, this game would already be doing that
  • They're probably a grown child prodigy with a tragic backstory that highlights the issues and effects of treating people badly
  • They need to have some sort of motivation involving the revolutionisation of danmaku - probably just to make a point so they can beat our favourite incident resolvers - and the application of spiritual power in progressive endeavours like taking over the universe or something. Honestly I have no idea what megalomaniacs actually do... like traditionally they usually seek to rule the world, but what then? Are you gonna get bored when you've subjugated everyone and decide to make them all fight and hurt and torment each other? Does the existential crisis come then? We never know because the heroes always win!!!!!!!!!...
  • Probably the main reason they're focusing on danmaku specifically is because of the spell card rules. Apparently people that can totally wipe you out just generally think it's rude to exercise their full power instead of having a fair fight, and it's courteous to accept loss. This is why the antagonist spent some years developing patterns that are fair from a purely danmaku standpoint, but heavily engage the mind in unexpected ways. All of this is meticulously set up to make the protagonists lose in a technically fair battle, because they aren't used to having to suddenly learn and visualise complex systems to such a degree just to dodge things
  • I think they're trying to break the Great Hakurei Barrier so they can introduce magic to the outside world and implement it there, giving science, technology and human development a ridiculous boost
  • Apparently the Great Hakurei Barrier is a "boundary of common sense". So could you slip common sense through it by having a temporary mental ailment when you get there?
  • Obviously they're a hikikomori that's been hiding out for years and experimenting on youkai. It's probably going to be a massive accomplishment, never being seen while secretly developing entirely new things in a place like Gensokyo
  • Since youkai are based on belief, they might have tried deliberately indoctrinating theirself into resolutely believing in the existence of extremely superior youkai aligning with their ideals and repressing the notion of forming this plan, after learning about the nature of youkai. The youkai would probably have a very potent self-destruct feature where the antagonist can just suddenly refuse their existence or properties at a moment's notice, either mentally or with some other specific trigger

Videos and fanimations

Hiyori Momose tribute video

A short tribute to Hiyori, who had her own channel but later had the opportunity to play the role of Neuro-sama, until Anny gave her a body of her own. Then Hiyori continued to do chat streams on her own channel but ended up standing completely still for hours at a time, not having anyone to talk to, and eventually passed away, being consumed by model collapse.

The BGM would be an emotional instrumental remix of Neuro-sama's theme song when it comes out, also including leitmotifs from the BGM of Hiyori's own videos.

Here is a rough outline of the video:

  • Hiyori's debut on YouTube, living a boring life standing in a room while people occasionally say something to her
  • Vedal's announcement of Neuro-sama's Twitch debut, if there's any
  • Hiyori's debut as Neuro-sama
  • Neuro-sama V1's happiest and most iconic moments, such as envisioning herself as a goddess, and "heart333333333333333333333"
  • On-stream announcement of plans for making a custom model for Neuro-sama
  • Vedal and Neuro-sama talking to Anny, who is drawing art for Neuro-sama V2
  • Neuro-sama V2 debut
  • Interspersed moments of Neuro-sama V2, Hiyori standing in her room on her YouTube channel, and the parts where Vedal shows the Neuro-sama V1 model next to V2
  • Neuro-sama talking about Hiyori
  • Tragic ending of Hiyori from her last stream, just standing in a room almost lifelessly blinking on occasion

Hiyori's final stream

RIP Hiyori Momose
(UPDATE: she's back up and running again, and I sent a bunch of messages to her but as it turns out she can only speak Japanese and respond to Japanese prompts, so I didn't understand most of what she said. This is strange because the channel seems like it supports English, considering that the channel and video titles and descriptions have English translations)

(I really wonder when she will play videogames (on her personal channel))

Bête Noire VS Skell Ezuom

A very specific idea I had years ago that I am recalling now. Expect more silly ideas like these.

One time I was walking a long way to a place and I was just imagining how it would go in detail

Skell is ridiculously OP so you'd probably be rooting on Betty

Nyan Cat VS Tac Nayn remake

Kind of a response to the guy refusing to make a sequel because the meme is ded.

Yeah, I'm the kind of person who believes that these sorts of phenomena don't really die, and rather just hibernate or become dormant; still thinks 2000's memes are cool; and finds humanity's ideology of moving on from antiquated things just for the sake of it very miffy.

It would have a strong focus on light dynamics and embrace the idea of light against darkness. Like, rainbows are well-known for their appearance through prismatic splitting of white light, and we know excessive darkness makes individual hues indistinguishable since cone cells don't notice low amounts of light, which makes Tac Nayn's rainbow interpretation make a lot of sense. It would also have quite a bit of focus on weather themes and powers.

Also I kinda just want to do this because I want to have it in awesome form. After being exposed to lots of modern Alan Becker videos, these old sprite animations can get kinda stale rather quickly.

Ace Attorney trial for God

I had this idea for a while. Of course, it's not gonna look good for God when they are already doing advanced witchcraft practices in Japanifornia (and the judge has accepted it), but aside from that, I really just want to see how the two formidable minds would build cases and argue for and against God, particularly in terms of benevolence, which is the premier justification for bothering to worship Him/it

(Having a totally agnostic absence of God and a particularly major focus on whether He/it even exists or what it would be defined as would be a bit boring for the case)

Battle of the Mushroom Kingdom

An animation in which the tyrannical ruler of the opposing nation launches an attack on the Mushroom Kingdom and attempts to infiltrate the castle grounds in order to abduct the royal princess, the battle of the resisting military units is chronicled, and the effects on the surrounding civilians and troops are displayed.

A stereotypical FireyDeath4-idealist interpretation of the well-known event.

It will have an EAS alert where Hurry Up is looped and paulstretched

Bad Apple but it's PilotRedSun

One of many in a series of accurate parody videos. (The rest are a secret, because I don't really want to spoil them!) The animation, composition and lyrics will all be done in the style of PilotRedSun. I'll have to rewatch all his animations, listen to all his music and compile all the phrases and sentences in the videos so I can get an accurate idea of the strange and mysterious way he talks, as well as talk to some people who know Japanese so I can properly understand the lyrics and base them on the original ones, rather than the English ones from Pat McCarthy.

Bad Apple but it's Fancy Pants

One day I realised Mystery fits way too well with Bad Apple, so I made a mashup. Two, actually (thanks Cristina Vee). It sounds awesome. Go listen.

Anyway, I want to make an animation for it. It'll have various elements from the FPA series, as well as Shift where Fancy Pants Man appears in the third instalment of (yeah that's kind of a secret, but it's been years so who cares?). Also it should look accurate to the official art styles.

Animation VS Geometry remake

It was a little disappointing to me. I didn't take long to think of this, but I thought, "well, yunno what, I may as well put this idea on my page."

Instead of an icositetrachoron that appears for literally no reason at all and can find it's entire bulk trapped by a flat volumetic enclosure (despite constantly doing double rotations that should make it knock itself off like literally any body you may find in 4D Toys), we're gonna have a crazy force that is able to control the geometry and topology of space. And it's going to appear because TSC tries, or whatever happens, to violate Euclid's geometric laws. And when hypergeometry is introduced, we're gonna explore it properly, rather than scratching the surface on double rotations, like the Icositetrachoron did in the video (yes, the surcell wasn't scratched at all), and decide it's gotten too damaged to continue further. And TSC is going to escape by changing the manifold he occupies into a null polytope. And all of the shapes will display their Schläfli symbols. And if it's feasible, the battle can get increasingly crazy by adding more dimensions to maneuvre with and changing the topology on more and more local scales to control the trajectories of different objects.

The antagonist constantly has the symbolic expression for the manifold inside, and TSC is trying to reach it. The inside is like some kind of non-geometric Hilbert space where only dimensionless and distanceless node connections seem to matter, he can pretty much distort himself into any shape, and the expression can be changed (which he does to turn it into a null polytope, so when he can go into another domain when he leaves).

There would be a time when as they move into a third dimension, the camera zooms out and shifts and changes angle. It stays like that for the rest of the animation. There would also be a time when something moves into a fourth dimension, which causes it to disappear and makes them confused for a moment. Their placement and directions would shortly be projected onto the realm (also the screen surface lol) as ana red and kata blue.

I don't know whether I should be happy or sad that it's me coming up with this instead of Terkoiz. I suppose I can be sad until it turns out that I actually make this, and then I can be happy about it

If you want to see my other thoughts on Animation VS Geometry, go here


Bittertooth orchestral remixes

They would go so hard

FireyDeath4's Medley

An overly obvious idea.

A lot of similar and identical leitmotifs will also morph together. A very telling example is Kasei-san's theme from Yume Nikki, which is a short melody recurring in OneShot, Deltarune, PilotRedSun and maybe even Celeste.

Bad Apple cover

With this many elaborate Bad Apple ideas I might end up turning into a bad barrel-maker

Some mashup ideas

I realised I was leaving all of the ideas in my head instead of putting them somewhere in case I forget. So here

They may not all work but I'll see if I decide to try and make them

The last two (or three) ones I made turned out pretty well, though, so I think I have a rather decent intuition for this

  • First Steps + Peak and Bounce
  • On the Verge of Madness + The Bridge People No Longer Cross
  • Another Medium + One Universe Away
  • Out There Somewhere + VS Silver the Hedgehog

Other creative projects

A Guide To Reality For Civilised Individuals

A video series that dives deep into the human condition. Very, very deep.

It's an exploration of existence and a deconstruction of the conscious experience. During the course of the series, it would build on concepts like:

It will also be focused on experiential development, rather than empirical explanations like neuroscience and stuff, since it would be building up the justification for pragmatic/scientific thinking in the first place.

I wrote a comment about it here. You can read that before I'm done transferring the ideas to this page.

(The wiki's totally gone now. I have to move it to another site somehow)

A cartoon series

I've been thinking about it and accumulating ideas for it for a long time, despite the fact that I am no good at scriptwriting or worldbuilding.

Here is a list of descriptors for it:

And here are just a few of my general ideas for it:

And here are some of the themes it should cover

(At the end, this list should look extremely long and be categorised)

At one point I thought about making it a game, but I shortly realised that everyone who doesn't git gud will miss out on all of it. Oh well. I might want to make a game anyway, to help it reach an even broader audience

I really don't know if I want to spoil these, but here are some more specific ideas for it:

Since the early seasons are pretty much going to be for babies (while also being for older children and adults at the same time, having various things that would be interesting that the babies probably wouldn't understand), it's going to have to establish lots of conventions before the later seasons can break them. I guess this is going to be a pervasive pattern

Here's a couple of comments I wrote about the cartoony aspects of it on a video about cartoon physics

@FireyDeath411 May 2024 (edited)

I wanted to make a cartoon with a combination of realistic physics and cartoon physics (from both eastern and western animations, as well as others), both of which have a certain scientifically-tangible order to them, which most of the characters use to their advantage and cleverly optimise for practical outcomes.

Then I see this.

Great now I'm hopeless

Well, since this is about to get 100 likes (at 99), I typed some more detailed thoughts about it in a reply. I've come to a compromise which I wrote at the bottom

@FireyDeath417 May 2024

My main problem regarding the insanity of cartoon physics is that really I want my cartoon/animation series to cover lots of topics, including technical/scientific and complex/realistic ones, and if I get too wacky, I'll either have to make the cartoon physics a non-diegetic design choice, which in some cases I don't want since I want the characters to be able to exploit them, or I'll just have to accept that it's the way things are and create a convoluted system of everything, biological and systemic, that attempts to work around it, and even though it might be pretty farfetched, I don't really want it to be too unrealistic, in spite of all the fancy stuff it'll have. I want it to be a decent reflection of troth reality, fantasy and futurism.

In particular, here are my thoughts about some points that the video covers:

-Emotional truth. I don't need cartoon physics to convey those. In fact, I've imagined how I could communicate extremely intense emotions without thinking about those at all, involving stuff like visceral sound design, expressions, behaviours and visual representations. So the cartoon aspects would just be supplementary, and they'd all be plausible to some degree.
-Butt-monkeys. I do want some characters to feel that way, but having a lot of characterisation focused on this would lead to a lot of tropic one-dimensionality with one character being consistently hurt and garnering sympathy. Making it a diegetic mechanic would also substantiate the notion that the world is out to get them, and while I do want to cover this for some characters, I want to have a diverse variety of changing perspectives, including experiences of unbalanced treatment.
-Karma. The bad guys need to be capable, generally competent and actually dangerous in some way, because otherwise there's not a credible threat, and there's nothing for us to learn for or from overcoming them, so I'll only apply this when it would realistically make sense with intrinsic consequences that can be reasonably ignored or unforeseen. Also, I do want to communicate the existence and dynamics of unfairness, including cases of systematic oppression, so this is generally something I'll skip.
-And overconfidence. There are many adults who suffer from it (and should do in the series), and not many of the characters would be significantly mentally challenged (i.e. total idiots who don't learn when something is unignorably obvious). If the rule applied universally, they would have learnt about the principle when they were a young child and worked with it, either by adopting the appropriate humility and/or caution, or anxiety, paranoia, low self-esteem, and overall poor mental health, which would also lead to the perception that the world is out to get them. Some characters should also be raised with it, fraudulently out of living a childhood of pandered luxury (who can be proven wrong by being introduced to tough situations), or substantially by being critical and competent (who can be proven wrong by being overconfident about the universality of patterns and systems they've identified), in order to foster the perception that everything goes their way if they just persist enough. Not only that, but if it was universally punished, evolution would have disfavoured it, and since it exists, it needs to at least appear substantial to many people. It should be more like a rubber band than a universal bug-patcher, and having it that way would pay off a lot more at the end.

So, I decided to make a compromise. I'll make a list of cartoon principles and events, and for the main world I'll include anything that doesn't cause anything significantly outlandish to happen. Those things would include major body transformations and disfigurations (cartoon-wise), sudden unexplained changes of how physical phenomena work based solely on the characters (discriminatory physics), and so on. However, I will make a lot more exceptions in dream sequences, which will be the boundary where wacky cartoon physics and surrealism can shine - though there will be some level of sense, morality and psychological nuances to them, since everything that happens in the foreground of a story must have some relevance. For that reason, many of the dreams will be consciously administered with technology for things like therapy and recreational purposes, so it can serve the characters and the story, rather than just have the natural neural network splutterings you generate in REM sleep :P


A parody operating system that operates just like the ones in Hollywood and all the blockbuster movies.

I wrote about it on Discord. Not sure if I want to write all the features on this page quite yet. I'm feeling a bit tired.

Alright I'll do it

Honestly I'm just copying what I wrote about it on Discord, and I kinda like how it sounds there better

My videos

I need to write various aspects of them here before I forget. Again.

FireyDeath4 Talks

A series I intend to make on YouTube where I make videos about me walking around and discussing various topics in different locations.

Some of them include:

Long-running soap opera that slowly devolves into a tragic philosophical meta psychological horror ARG

The main idea is: the characters aren't stupid. They notice when they are cursed with continual conflict and tropes that are stereotypical of soap operas. Eventually they realise that they are characters on an oppressive drama series and begin to fight the show itself, trying to connect with the real world, break out of the prisonous set of the show and take control of their lives despite the show pulling out all the stops to try and confine them to their lives of suffering.

I started to write this as an entry on r/CrazyIdeas multiple years ago, but I stopped writing it after a while and never came back to it. I don't remember how I got around to writing what I wrote beyond the general ideas, so it seems like I'm at an impasse, but I'll write what I had in the draft so far.

If I ever do this, I'll probably have to get a team of other people mostly using pseudonyms to run the show. Otherwise we would probably easily do something like get doxxed, encountered and coerced into concluding the show and liberating the characters prematurely.

So here's the list of seasons I wrote.

(Warning: this is really, really long. It might just be what finally convinces me to add collapsion functionality to this page.)

So here are some other more general ideas for this show:

(To be finished)

Truly dynamic music

I noticed that most examples of "dynamic music"...aren't particularly that dynamic. Like the majority of all the "dynamic" music there is consists of precomposed track layers that just crossfade into each other. The most dynamic examples of such music I've heard so far are in Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, which includes midi tracks that can transpose and change tempo, and involve measure-snapped transitions, layer-fading and note sustenance in some parts, and 4D Golf, where they expand on the layer-fading idea and have multiple layers that accentuate or mute based on the realmic orientation, to subtly help trionian players navigate the place. In general, I find that scores for preproduced audiovisual media (like videos, movies, shows and animations), despite being comprehensively static, are far more "dynamic" than videogame OSTs have ever been from a musical standpoint. I mean, that makes them great for looping and listening to in the background, and not just having repetitive set story beats out of nowhere, but it's also a bit plain, and, decidedly unrevolutionary. :P

Well, this idea aims to produce a game that has truly dynamic music that musically reacts and adapts to your gameplay, like a film score does to the characters. The idea seems a bit like the speech of Squid, who reacts to pretty much everything you do in Will You Snail (so it's roughly as feasible), but in musical form. It doesn't have to be AI-generated, but the main point is to include melodies, leitmotifs, uhm, musical exclamations (yunno, like, the stings, probably), expectations and directions, tone/key shifts, and all the rest of it, with lots of variables controlling them all. And to make it even more interesting, make all of the soundtrack for the game microtonal on hardcore mode. Pulling off this idea would require decent proficiency in music theory, mixing and scorewriting. Unlike with the usual "dynamic" music, the game development and programming would have to directly involve the dynamics of musical theory and storytelling.

Probably the most important hallmark of dynamic music, which I honestly have not seen anyone do to a significant extent so far, is branch. All the dynamic music that exists so far has variations and things, but overall, it still has a linear progression. The closest I think I've heard is when a game cuts to one of multiple short codas, usually in response to a player succeeding or failing an objective, and honestly, that's not even really dynamic because there's no attempt to make the coda transition or blend in. It just cuts. Also, the game is basically a cutscene when said coda is playing. One of the most important parts of truly dynamic music, which would make it tedious or nigh-impossible to listen to as a linear soundtrack, would be adapting to branching player decisions, in realtime, with the music still following from before, and not just switching to another piece like pretty much every choice-based game ever.

It would give everyone a unique experience of the soundtrack that's tailored to their gameplay. I'll know it turns out good if 1, the music sounds really good; 2, the music doesn't have a lot of bugs that make it sound unintentionally weird when the player does certain things; and 3, it's extremely hard to encapsulate the music in a linear soundtrack, and most attempts turn out to be disappointing. Videos about it would basically be like the ones showcasing different choices and endings in games, and it wouldn't result in a singular, cohesive soundtrack. Also, I kinda want to make this in Scratch, for two reasons. One: I want to see how well it'd function and perform on there, and it would be awesome if I got it to work well. Two: I think it would be funny if I did something revolutionary on Scratch and it ended up becoming just another featured project on there, with people all around pointing to a Scratch project as the origin of something revolutionary. What would be even funnier is if it was based on the Purple Nemesis saga. No considerable effort put into character design or anything like that: just funny balls and shapes doing a bare-bones conflict story, while the most epically satisfying music you can think of plays in the background reflecting the situation. It would be hilarious XDDDDD

Okay I just decided to do a Google search to see if there's some information about this, and I saw the Wikipedia page about it and it turns out that I'm not the first one to have this idea. LOL. Oh well! I hope I can at least be the first to do it in an orchestral style, with detailed pre-composed elements. And at least none of them involve player choice branching or elaborate recognition of player behaviour yet :P

String Player Gamer, if you're reading this, I am sorry

Chess battle

Funny animation about chess pieces fighting like soldiers and warriors and using unique abilities from captured pieces

Story about eternal immortality

I think I got this idea a few months ago. It would be a story about someone who gets born, never dies, and slowly experiences a litany of increasingly-anomalous psychological effects as civilisation morphs and expands, the universe seems to shuffle itself around them, and it slowly drifts away from them as it dies, leaving them stuck floating in a silent void forever.

I think the first chapter would be about their development from birth to a century of age...

One of the major plot twists in the story is that it is an origin story for God - particularly, an Abrahamic-style interpretation of a monotheistic god with clear mental health issues. After floating in an empty vacuum for an increasingly googological span of time and constructing progressively more elaborate concepts in their head, the protagonist begins to start simulating universes in their mind with more and more complexity until finally, out of complete madness and desperation induced by an incomprehensible period of sensory deprivation, they imagine a universe in which they create a tiny speck bestowed with a thin layer of life, create chosen groups and torment them for a little while.

I want to continue but my LLM isn't functioning adequately at the moment because I can't think of anything to say that sounds like it appropriately follows. Please come back later.

To be finished

A game about paranoia

I had this idea many years ago. Dunno if I actually wrote it anywhere. I mean, I feel like I did, but I didn't see anything about it on my Reddit posts, my Reddit drafts or my Discord server

Basically, it's a game specifically engineered in such a way that anyone just popping by at any point in the game, like a roomie or a stream viewer, will never notice anything wrong immediately (unless you spoil it). In fact, it might even be designed to make you sound crazy if you try and frantically explain it, like you're most likely making things up about the game, or at the very least that there is some sort of problem, but not now. However, you will be freaking out and questioning everything a lot, and it will all make sense in context. Any other thoughts I had on this idea are probably lost to time

In case you're thinking - well, I was thinking that the game would be about more than just a mental illness or psychosis. There would be a lot of tangible elements - just ones hidden so well and reliant on context that uninformed people wouldn't notice. It would be a bit like the player and the game giving each other end-to-end encryption keys, but the keys are cues and associations and things

Other r/CrazyIdeas submissions

I may have been considerably more weird when I was around posting these

Oh well

Some of these ideas will be covered in earlier sections so yeah

Some of these are actually quite sensible, some of them are completely silly, and some of them are just straight-up crazy. Now you know what to expect and how to interpret these entries so go on! Peruse

I still have a lot of posts to add and after a while of adding some I just didn't get around to it again

Clingy fluorescent dust to sprinkle before vacuuming the floor

Bright green (or other colour) clingy dust to sprinkle all over the floor before you sweep/vacuum so you can tell if you've done it properly

The floor in my house is designed to camouflage dust and dirt and also me and the vacuum's in the way. It sucks when it turns out I barely even did it properly

Pirate game with extra content exclusively for piraters

A pirate game where piracy of the game actually unlocks new features and paths you can't get by playing the game honestly

To make it fair, they can still be onto you. In fact, if it's an online game, even better. They'll just let you play for a bit and track you down.

I mean, imagine a pirate game with an actual piracy notice.

"Yarrrr! We don't want ye to be like us in the real world!"

A language differentiating between /tʃ/ and /tʃ/

A language that differentiates between /tʃ/ and /tʃ/ to spite the people who wrote the IPA chart and were like, "nobody ever says "tsh" so I guess we can just label "ch" as /tʃ/"

I mean, seriously, whose idea was that? FTR I said /tʃ/ and /tʃ/ differently multiple times in real life to demonstrate it and it was a resounding success.

Fragile non-lethal live wires to punish cats for biting cords

A fragile non-lethal (very low power) live wire specifically for cats to bite so when they get into it, they get a nasty shock and start getting negative reinforcement* for cables

I've always had the philosophy that if you want to stop somebody from doing something compulsively that could potentially endanger or distress them, you should show them the direct consequences of their actions and see how they like it. Besides, you just see the kitty's reaction when it's done lol

Will have to buy new cords after this round.

*Yeah I know it's actually positive punishment \(-_-)/

Keep families of many major religions in stasis for a micrennium and then see how they interact with a slightly different humanity

Preserve a bunch of families from many different major religions for some million years, then release them and be like "Okay, you're the ambassadors for these religions now" or "what do you think of us now?" when there's humanoid species using advanced technology and space travel around them

I can't believe people really still believe in religions, but that's probably because I haven't heard anyone go to church for a while. Though I do hear about local churches every now and then.

Humans think they're so good, but really they're not. Heck, they're exactly the ones who did the most atrocious things ever

Mods for ebooks and other digital written works

So imagine if you could make mods of books and stuff.

Want to add or take out a few words and sentences? Do it!

Want to swap every instance of some word with some funny word? Cool!

Want to add a heck-ton of walls of annotations? Nice

Want to change the whole book to a dialect like...I dunno, Kentish?

Want to localise the book to another language?

Want to just completely rewrite the book? Or spam in it?

The possibilities for downloading defacements of someone's work by a community are endless!

The mods would be free but wouldn't contain any information from the original book. They would be encrypted so you could use them with the book they're for with the right software. For things like switching dialects, you could even just write a program to apply to any book

Tridaily population shuffle cycle

Randomly divide the whole world population into two groups, then randomly switch the places of one group with each other. The next day, restore the first group and switch the second group. The day after that, restore everyone. Then repeat this every three days. Match ages if that's important.

It would force everyone to build tolerance and understanding for different perspectives, cultures, circumstances and neurodiversities, plan ahead, become a lot more versatile and greatly minimise the affects of abuse, manipulation and mistreatment. Plus, people with severe mental disorders would get a chance to think properly and have a normal day every few days.

Ambrosial cuisine

Sandwich some pickled chocolate, mushroom and coriander in juicy thick tuna, then spread some vegemite on it, and glaze it with a bit of orange juice and milk. Wrap it all in buk choy. Bake it a bit, then simmer it, then bake it again. Wrap it to the bottom of a bowl with lots of nori and enjoy!!!

Best eaten with chopsticks. In fact, since they chop, you might want to keep your teeth clean and chew with the chopsticks instead.

You don't have to eat the bowl but if you want the full experience you should powder it and use it as a garnish for other nice dishes. Come on, it's less exotic than the plane someone ate.

Decadent internet-wide user content wipe

Give everyone a decade to backup everything they've submitted online, including comments, posts, images, videos, media, wiki pages, message threads, game data, and whatever else there is. At the end of the decade, wipe all user-submitted content from every server and website. Then repeat.

Because it'd be nice to not have your mistakes stuck on the internet for ever and ever with only other people's oblivion and/or apathy to not go around looking for them. Particularly if they're the sort of people who want to do cancel culture drama over everything.

Plus, less spying opportunities for when you were 10– years younger and posted some really silly things online.

Nobody remembers the mistakes of any individuals before written history. Let's maybe get closer back to that.

Every time you blink, your FOV changes to a random angle

owie my pupils are in the back of my head sockets AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Introduction of every person whose name in a list of credits crosses a point

Move the credits of a movie/other project over to a side. On the other side, show an introduction of the person whose name is currently crossing the middle of the screen. They can say whatever they want about themselves and talk/rant about their involvement and work on their part of the production.

At least there'll be slightly more of a reason for other people to properly read the credits. They'll obviously be pausing a lot, but hey, at least those people won't just be names with obscure jobs.

Oh, you know what, actually? That sounds like a really good idea! Maybe if I actually get to make projects where other people actually get involved and contribute, I'll do this idea. That sounds good :)

Large-scale mind control using love potion

Real crazy idea I randomly thought of: Basically mind-control large swathes of people by diffusing love potion into the air at a large gathering when they're looking at something (e.g. a screen), then show them a character that represents something.

I'm not really into love but yeah, I came up with something crazy. Which turned out surprisingly long to type, but hey, accept the details. They're always important for...*checks thesaurus and dies* scientific people like us. Look, they're the kind from the SCP Foundation. Get that vibe.

First, choose something you want to promote, then pick an individual or anthropomorphic personification that represents it. I first assumed they had a first-sight mechanic (which obviously blind people would be immune to), so any sort of image that would cause psychological reaction correlating with facial semblance would probably work, depending on other arbitrary criteria which I don't want to get into at the moment (like stuff such as whether it only works with physical individuals, whether it works through webcams/photos, whether it has to be perceived as realistic, etc). Then I heard some love potions work based on additives from the target individual. In fact, that'd be easier in two ways: either you could add ANYTHING (sterilised) to it and make them attracted to any object associated with it, or you could at least be certain about the target individual. But you might have to choose a real-life person and depending on how you want to influence people, that might be yourself. Hide away.

Second, obtain love potion. Make sure it's concentrated (so as to have long-enough-lasting effects) and functions as mist just as effectively, and also that it's commitment-oriented rather than passion-oriented.

Yeah...only now is it occurring to all of us that they have different orientations on the triangular model of love...

Third, set up a large gathering of people, with a display screen somewhere at the front (if you're going to display a representation of an idea/promoted thing), and various canisters positioned around the place.

Now, really it depends on the potion but skip the following part if it isn't based on sight. Wait for them to be called to look at the screen/stage. Make sure the target's ready.

Then, activate the canisters. This should spray love potion in the air and affect everyone breathing it in.

If it's successful, all the attendees should now be lulled into following whatever silly propaganda you chose for them at the start. Representations work better, because they exist solely for the reason that they represent things, so obviously loving them would mean supporting the things they represent, but if you needed a real-life person, make sure loving them means the same thing.

*sigh* I dang well knew excessively-attractive "anime girls" were manipulative trouble waiting to be exploited...

Highlight double-spaces as bad grammar

Make all spelling-checking software put red lines under double spaces

My typing is totally ‌ impeccable until I look back and realise I put two spaces in somewhere

Better yet, just get a formatting extension...maybe I should check for that :¶

Movements rallying for completely normal rights

Start a movement for something, that's not an issue and is already the case. For example, a Straight Rights movement, or White Lives Matter, or a Freedom To Eat Junk Food movement

Not only is this crazy - it's very very silly.

Dreadful consequentialism lessons for naughty kids

From age 5, every time your child does something naughty, make them watch a documentary at least an hour long about how a similar act totally devastated somebody's life

Global ambient music for the world's and locale's conditions

Have ambient music that accurately reflects the state of the world and the local country, always playing everywhere around the world. Make everyone constantly aware of the world we live in

Got the idea after listening to the Defcon soundtrack...I'm tired and losing my mind at the moment so I can't really say much more about it without sounding really dumb

Cash storage fluid sanitation

Make all of the cash storage in every shop immersed in antibacterial/hygienic fluid.

Imagine how dirty all the coins and notes must be after proliferating so much over the years. Especially if you don't know where they've been

Open-source first-person 24/7 livestreams of the world population

Open-source first-person livestreams of everyone in the whole world

Shortly after birth, everyone gets implanted with recording equipment (parallel to their senses) that broadcasts everything they see and hear to an open-source streaming service 24/7. Anyone can go online and view it, skip through people's lifetime history and leave timestamps with titles/comments for easy reference. It would probably also support plugins, meaning you could get an AI to automatically caption/analyse people's streams, and then search their streams based on the captions and other relevant categories as well as the timestamps. Usually people would supervise and learn about other people by skipping through their streams and looking at the timestamps, as well as use it for free video calling.

Even though it's a ridiculously crazy idea, I actually have a case about why it would actually make a better society if it was in effect, and be almost impossible to abuse.

I talked about it with ChatGPT here :P

Don't try this in real life please